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Promoting excellence in IONM through the sharing of knowledge and best practice

4th Masterclass in IONM for Spinal Surgery

  • 21 Sep 2018
  • Oswestry

A Fourth Masterclass in Intra-operative Neuro-Monitoring (IONM) for Spinal Surgery in association with ‘Neuromonitoring UK

This course is for anaesthetists, surgeons, spinal injury physicians and clinical neurophysiologists.

A unique learning oppotunity, providing an introduction to basic principles necessary in understanding the importance of somatosensory (SSEP), motor evoked potential (MEP), and electromyograpy (EMG), in an operating room setting. A multidisciplinary approach will give participants an insight into the benefits of an integrated team approach for exploiting this unique monitoring technology.

Programme includes

Applied neuro-anatomy and physiology of spinal cord

Principles of SSEP, MEP, EMG

An insight into multimodal approach of IONM for spinal surgery

Surgeons perspective of use of IONM in Scoliosis and other spinal procedures

Anaesthetic implications of IONM

Basic interpretation of IONM

Interactive case studies


After this course delegates should be able to: Identify applied neuro-anatomy and physiology of spinal cord relevant to the procedure Comprehend basic principles of IONM Able to make decisions about IONM modalities to be used for a particular surgical procedure Understand the anaesthetic to be delivered in relationto the type of IONM Interpret surgical and anaesthetic viewpoint of IONM and be able to act accordingly

Although likely to be highly popular, delegate numbers are limited to just 50 Lunch and refreshments included in the registration fee of £90 (£50 for trainees).


British Society of Interoperative Neurophysiology,
49 Station Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6EA
Company Registration Number: 9563372
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